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Welcome to join the INDUSAC project (Horizon Europe), which aims to support short-term research collaborations between academia (students and researchers) and industry (companies), in solving company Challenges. Researchers (with students) are invited to create co-creation teams and solve companies... -
Novičnik 19/20: Spol in znanost na ZRC SAZU
Izšla je dvojna številka Novičnika Spol in znanost na ZRC SAZU, ki informira o dejavnostih Inštituta za kulturne in spominske študije ZRC SAZU in ZRC SAZU na področju raziskovanja spolov in enakih možnosti v akademski sferi. V septembrsko/oktobrski izdaji med drugim obveščamo o zaključeni seriji... -
SAVE THE DATE! Summer School “Approaches to Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education”
(HoBid 2023) September 11th to 15th 2023 in Paderborn, Germany Focus topic: Science communication Teaching and learning at universities are addressed by many disciplines that are diverse in terms of content and methodology. Current research in higher education can be described as a... -
EURAXESS - InComm Conference in Barcelona, Nov. 28-29, 2022
Dear colleagues, we are pleased to invite you to the InComm Project End Conference, to be held between 28-29 November 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. Together we will draft the perfect welcome journey for your incoming Master & PhD students. Learn more and register here: -
MELANOMSKI ANTIGENI NA KRIŽIŠČU MED REPRODUCKCIJO, RAZVOJEM in RAKOM Predavateljica: dr. Klementina Fon Tacer Termin: torek, 25. 10. 2022 ob 14.00 uri. Klementina Fon Tacer je docentka na Texas Tech University School of Veterinary Medicine. Ukvarja se z odkrivanjem mehanizmov, ki so se razvili za... -
Erasmus Scientific Days in Marrakech
Erasmus Scientific Days 17-18th october 2022 in Marrakech (in person event) These two days will provide an opportunity to connect with Moroccan HEI interested : to develop new collaborations through Erasmus+ program (and also Horizon and Prima), while participating in the first Erasmus... -
Guidelines for Inclusion of Researchers at Risk
We would like to inform you that the guidelines for inclusion of researchers at risk have been published. Researchers at risk include researchers, scholars and scientists at all stages of their careers who are experiencing threats to their life, liberty or research career, and those who are forced... -
European Research Area Restarted
On September 30th 2020, The European Commission adopted the Communication named "A new ERA for Research and Innovation". In the past 20 years the European Research Area achieved some significant some achievements: - 37 already implemented European Research Infrastructures (with 18 more already... -
Horizon 2020 support in fightghing COVID-19 virus
Challenges presented by new corona-type virus are demanding swift and active response. European Commission used Horizon 2020 (EU research and innovation program) to encourage research into this, new health threat. The first call with 10 million EUR of funding was open to »expressions of interest for...