Dear colleagues,
we are pleased to invite you to the InComm Project End Conference, to be held between 28-29 November 2022 in Barcelona, Spain. Together we will draft the perfect welcome journey for your incoming Master & PhD students.
Learn more and register here:
What is the InComm Final Event?
The InComm project is an Erasmus+ project of the European Union.
The InComm project developed a more inclusive welcome process at the partners universities, where students and staff from all backgrounds feel welcome in one international identity, to become truly international universities. We want to share this with you!
The Barcelona Conference will teach you how to improve your welcome process at your institution, with inspiring best practices, hand-on tools and new connections!
Target group
Professionals, student & PhD organizations/representatives working on welcoming incoming Masters & PhD’s. It is also suggested that you bring one of your Master students or PhD’s to the conference.
When and where will it take place?
The InComm Final Event will be held the 28th and 29th of November 2022 in the UPC Campus Nord facilities, in: Campus Nord UPC. carrer Jordi Girona 1-3.08034 Barcelona.
Here you can see an interactive map.
On the days of the event, there will be some signs on the campus, to help you to find your way to the InComm Welcome Desk.
The program is free of charge and includes both lunches, the dinner (on 28th November) and all coffee-breaks. Participants are expected to cover their own traveling & accommodation expenses.
Register now by October 25th