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NEWS20 Mar 2020NewsHorizon 2020

Horizon 2020 support in fightghing COVID-19 virus


Challenges presented by new corona-type virus are demanding swift and active response. European Commission used Horizon 2020 (EU research and innovation program) to encourage research into this, new health threat. The first call with 10 million EUR of funding was open to »expressions of interest for research projects that will advance our understanding of the novel coronavirus epidemic, contribute to more efficient clinical management of patients infected with the virus, as well as public health preparedness and response.« The deadline for this call was February 12th 2020.

The second call within the Innovative Medicines Initiative track is open for research »projects to develop treatments and diagnostics to better tackle the COVID-19 outbreak and to increase preparedness for potential future outbreaks.« The call has 24 million EUR of funding and is open until the March 31st 2020.